A Direct fireplace fronts get hot. A barrier around the fireplace is a good idea.
Secure large furniture.
Never leave a gas key for a gas log fireplace in the gas port. A slight bump or turn of the key could turn the gas on.
Store chemicals/paint in a safe place out of reach.
Add handrails at stairs that are out of reach for smaller children.
Add locks to mechanical room door to keep them away from furnace & water heater.
Set the water heater temperature to 120F or lower.
Install self closing gates at fences when a pool or pond is present.
Have a lead based paint test done.
Use burners at the back of the stove to prevent children from reaching the hot surface/pan.
Regularly inspect playground equipment to look for loose components.
Install corner or edge bumpers on sharp surfaces.
Install “u” shaped door bumpers around doors to prevent doors being closed on fingers.
Upgrade to a single faucet or tub handle. This will help a child find a temperature that isn’t to hot.
Have a fire escape plan and practice it.
Consider replacing door handles to bedrooms that have locks in case a child would lock it.
Adding child safety locks on gas range burner knobs.
Install self closure on doors near stairs.