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Home Standards: Providing a Higher Standard of Service

Kickout flashing

Flashing missing - can allow moisture to get being the synthetic stucco which can lead to mold. Below the flashing is there, but it doesn't quite kick the water into the gutter. Moisture staining, mildew growth was evident on the stone below. Below, this is what how...

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Push Button Light Switches and Relay Box in 1950s Home

While inspecting a home from the 1950s, Jon discovered common (for that era) push-button light switches, with relay box in the attic. Always fun to come across unusual home features like these while we do our work. #HomeInspection#homeinspector#realestate

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Jon Discovers Broken Main Drain

Inspector Jon recently discovered a broken main drain in a home ...and through the broken area you can easily see water from the bathroom upstairs draining through. This corroded pipe is out of view, tucked away behind the furnace and water heater. As professional...

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HVAC Vent in Garage Potential Carbon Monoxide Danger

A house's HVAC vent into a garage can be dangerous. Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas from a vehicle's exhaust may enter the home through the ductwork. This vent was discovered during a recent home inspection and we recommended it be properly sealed.

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Signs of Mold in Attic during recent Home Inspection

Mold in a home's attic is a sign of high humidity or other water buildup. Mold thrives in damp areas. While doing an inspection recently, Jon came across an attic with many signs of mold. He included this information in the inspection report.

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Problems found Inspecting Fuse Electrical Panel

While Inspector Aaron was checking out a fuse-style electrical box in a home recently, he found evidence of arcing, a fuse rated too high for the socket, and aluminum wiring missing antioxidant paste. He let the buyer know about the concerns so they could have it...

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Market Makes the Rules

Market Makes the Rules

Home Standards would like to announce that we have a vehicle for sale. It has a few years on it, but has many new parts. Pristine condition. Drive-away condition. Please give us a call to set up a time to come take a look. The engine will not be allowed to be started,...

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Foundation Problem at 100+ Year Old Home

Inspector Aaron recently found a few foundation concerns while doing an inspection on a 100+ year old home.AARON NILIUSCertified Inspector (Residential & Commercial Properties) aaron@hsinspections.com  Mobile: 402-672-7152

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Exterior Deck attached to Driveway

During an inspection today, Aaron and Tim found this deck that was attached to a driveway and has some serious structural concerns. Fortunately the buyer is aware of it and has plans on what to do. Decks themselves are very heavy and need a sturdy foundation. Combine...

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