402-392-2020 info@hsinspections.com

IMG_0063Sometimes when doing an inspection, we come across what can I only be describe as “jaw dropping” examples of how not to build a house.  The other day, I had two such events in the same home.  While checking the electrical panel, I noted that all the circuit grounds had been tied together instead of going to the buss bar.  Then, the grounds had been intertwined with a (roughly) 14 gauge wire that was then wrapped around the water line, instead of being clamped.  The “ground” wire was far too small a gauge to be used as a whole house ground.  Fortunately for the occupants, the house had apparently never been struck by lightning.

IMG_0077On the same home, I also noted that the deck had been framed in a unique manner.  The flooring joists had been mounted on either side of the support posts; then, spaced three feet to the next joist/post combination. Normally, the joists would have been on 16” or 24” centers.  This framing method would greatly reduce the floor’s ability to support a common load.

IMG_0064These issues are some of the examples of the safety concerns that Home Standards works every day to inform home buyers of.  It will never cease to amaze me how many interpretations of the construction profession exist in some of the homes we inspect.  Home Standards Inspection Services stands ready to provide you with as many intimate details of your prospective home purchase that our in-depth visual inspections will allow.  Be informed with your home purchase-

“They’re out there!”


We are a locally owned home inspection company serving the metro areas of Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska.